After all the tough fertility treatments, we finally welcomed our baby boy into the world.
It’s the start of the best time of my life.
Back then, I was super into F1 and building Gunpla.
But once parenting kicked in, there was no more time for peaceful evenings making Gunpla or watching F1 races.
Days started flying by, almost like I was driving an F1 car myself.
Then one day, my son started showing interest in cars.
This was it my chance to turn him into an F1 fan!
So, I skipped past my beloved Gunpla aisle and stepped into the tomica section instead.
Rows upon rows of neatly displayed tomica caught my eye.
My collector’s heart started to burn with excitement.
Then I noticed some of the Tomica cars were marked as “out of stock”
But wait, they weren’t just out of stock they were labeled as “waiting for delivery”
What the heck?!
Not “sold out,” but “waiting for delivery”?!
And just like that, I fell straight into the tomica rabbit hole.
Garage@Japan is a site created by toto.
I bring you all kinds of tomica info and details about display items designed by toto.
Looking forward to staying connected with you for a long time!
About Garage@Japan